This weird breakdowns on Twitter or ESS of voters not pledging fealty to Biden or Clinton, or breaking down at the possibility of people making legitimate demands, concessions, and pleas for relief and help met with disgust.

It's clear that both liberals and conservatives are quite reactionary but why do the former even attempt to pretend to be good people if they're just defending their privilege and identity?

  • OgdenTO [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Two more related parts of being a rules nerd are 1) their material position makes them able to be involved in politics only on the periphery; the outcomes don't matter that much evening they truly do want change, and they're either white or white-collaborators; and the rules and system are set up for their benefit. And 2) the rules don't matter, but were given to the wonks to act as their idea of being involved in politics; if the come to the realization that the rules are bs and just for show, then they will have to admit to themselves that what they have done to be involved in politics is a sham. At least some of them have been tricked and don't want to admit it.