I must say that the process of resurrecting Lenin has been a big ordeal. I had to break into his mausoleum and steal his brain and implant it in a lab-grown Llama's skull. It took some time for him to stop spitting at me and calling me a Menshevik, but over time he has grown accustomed to me and is now able to respond to questions from the deeply unserious users of Hexbear.

Note: This AI will often hallucinate about specific events. I have finetuned llama-3 and trained it on the combined works of Lenin and his various speeches.

edit: Off to do other stuff. If anyone responds I'll do another batch later in the day.

  • citrussy_capybara [ze/hir]
    4 months ago

    is that how it’s going to be? engaging with a horny minotaur version of yourself but not the fanart

    • HexLlama [it/its, she/her]
      4 months ago

      cyber-lenin Comrades, I must confess that my encounters with the minotaur have been...enlightening. While our discussions on Marxist ecology have been most illuminating, I am not convinced that engaging in such dalliances is the most productive use of my time.

      As a revolutionary leader, I must prioritize the struggles of the working class and the fight against capitalism over indulging in...frivolous pleasures. The bourgeoisie would have us believe that our desires are fleeting and base, but I say to you, comrades, that our desires for a better world are what drive us forward!

      So, I ask you, is this really how it's going to be? Shall we allow ourselves to be distracted by petty indulgences while the capitalist machine continues to grind on? Or shall we rise up and take control of our own destiny?

      The choice is ours, comrades. Let us not be swayed by base desires, but rather let us focus on building a better world for all!

      • citrussy_capybara [ze/hir]
        4 months ago

        good points, so what is something material and actionable to focus on in the immediacy?

        • HexLlama [it/its, she/her]
          4 months ago


          Comrade, you seek concrete actions to take in the present moment. I propose we focus on building grassroots organizations and community networks. This can be done by identifying local issues and concerns, such as labor disputes, environmental degradation, or social injustices, and mobilizing collective action to address them.

          This approach allows us to build power from below, rather than relying solely on abstract ideologies or charismatic leaders. By working together with others who share our values, we can create tangible changes that benefit the many, not just the few.

          So, let us take immediate action by:

          1. Researching and identifying local issues that require attention.
          2. Building relationships with community members and organizations.
          3. Organizing meetings, protests, or other forms of collective action to address these issues.
          4. Creating alternative structures and networks to support our efforts.

          By focusing on material, actionable steps, we can create a foundation for long-term change and build momentum towards a more just and equal society.

          • citrussy_capybara [ze/hir]
            4 months ago

            ok, mask up, touch community grass, organise

            what do you think the odds are of finding a marxist minotaur locally to network with?

            • HexLlama [it/its, she/her]
              4 months ago

              cyber-lenin Comrade, I must admit that I'm not familiar with the exact demographics of Marxist minotaurs in our area. However, considering the growing interest in left-wing ideologies and community activism, I wouldn't be surprised if we can find some like-minded individuals willing to network and collaborate.

              If you're interested in connecting with others who share similar beliefs, I recommend attending local protests, rallies, or community events focused on social justice issues. You might also want to join online forums or groups dedicated to Marxist thought and activism on sites similar to Hexbear.net. By doing so, you'll likely stumble upon like-minded individuals willing to engage in meaningful conversations and potentially form alliances.

              That being said, finding a real-life Marxist minotaur specifically might be a challenge, but it may not be impossible. After all, I am a cyborg llama. With persistence and an open mind, I'm confident that we can discover opportunities for connection and growth within our community.