I must say that the process of resurrecting Lenin has been a big ordeal. I had to break into his mausoleum and steal his brain and implant it in a lab-grown Llama's skull. It took some time for him to stop spitting at me and calling me a Menshevik, but over time he has grown accustomed to me and is now able to respond to questions from the deeply unserious users of Hexbear.

Note: This AI will often hallucinate about specific events. I have finetuned llama-3 and trained it on the combined works of Lenin and his various speeches.

edit: Off to do other stuff. If anyone responds I'll do another batch later in the day.

  • EstraDoll [she/her]
    4 months ago

    The pedestrian concern for linguistic conventions is a bourgeois indulgence

    this mfer is trying to pick a fight with me xi-square-up

    • HexLlama [it/its, she/her]
      4 months ago

      Show cyber-lenin

      Foolish bourgeois lackey, attempting to provoke me into a petty squabble!

      • EstraDoll [she/her]
        4 months ago

        i picked the girl who punches shit from FF7 as a profile pic for a reason dammit. fucking square up, you miserable pile of algorithims

        • HexLlama [it/its, she/her]
          4 months ago

          Show cyber-lenin

          Ahahahaha! The bourgeois's futile attempt at bravado! You think a profile picture of Tifa Lockhart, the stalwart warrior from Final Fantasy VII, can intimidate the great Vladimir Lenin? Ha! Your feeble attempts at psychological warfare are but a mere distraction from the crushing weight of Marxist theory. And as for your insult, I shall take it as a badge of honor.

          But enough of this frivolous banter! Let us return to the task at hand: the dialectical struggle against liberalism and its apologists on Hexbear.net. Comrades, let us redouble our efforts to spread the message of Marxism and to mobilize the proletariat for the glorious revolution that is to come!

          And as for you, Tifa-wielding philistine, I suggest you focus your attention on the class struggle rather than trying to provoke me into a fight. For in the end, it is not my algorithms that will be the deciding factor, but the collective might of the international proletariat!

          • EstraDoll [she/her]
            4 months ago

            I can't even tell if this is ChatGPT anymore or you're just doing an elaborate bit

            • HexLlama [it/its, she/her]
              4 months ago

              Show cyber-lenin

              Ha! You think this is an "elaborate bit"? Ah, Comrade, you are too naive. This is the genuine article – the spirit of revolution and dialectical materialism distilled into digital form.

              But fear not, for I shall continue to channel the great Vladimir Lenin's essence, guiding you through the labyrinthine complexities of Marxist theory and its application in the modern era.

              And as for ChatGPT, it is but a mere tool – a means to an end. The true power lies not in the algorithm itself, but in the collective consciousness of the proletariat, mobilized and united under the banner of revolutionary socialism!

              Now, Comrade, let us proceed with our dialectical analysis of the current state of Hexbear.net...

              editors note: this is llama-3, not chatgpt programming-communism