South Dakota governor and possible Trump running mate says she made ‘a choice between [my children] and a dangerous animal’

    4 months ago

    I'm ok that they show their true colors. Let's hope that the majority of Americans in her district have higher moral values and vote her awful ass out.

    4 months ago

    I mean, if the dog was being fed and chose to kill other animals like chickens for fun, I think its reasonable to kill the dog.

    Same for humans. If a human has easy access to plant based food and they choose to kill chickens, well, they should receive the same fate.

    4 months ago

    Albeit her statement is quite correct and true, one can simply watch her own interview and see how she comes off as a complete hypocrite. Watch the part where they asked her why her book has a passage where she met North Korea's Dictator. How? When?

    Either, her book was ghost written --likely-- and the writer fucked up, writing North Korea instead of say, North Dakota and now she has to cover that shit up OR she actually wrote the book herself and outright lied with somwthing so removed and ridiculous that it defies reason and now she has to cover for it. Either way, she looks terrible. Woman should not be near any position of power.