☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

  • 6.46K Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: January 18th, 2020


  • It's somewhat amusing how western liberals once touted freedom of speech as a defining characteristic separating them from states like China, which impose stricter limitations on freedom of expression. The argument was made that the pursuit of personal liberties is what sets western liberal culture apart and makes it superior to others.

    However, this narrative succeeded primarily due to broad public agreement within mainstream Western society. When economic conditions were favorable and people generally content with their system, there was little reason to suppress dissenting views. In fact, allowing such opinions on the fringe even served to reinforce the narrative. But now that growing discontent is causing this illusion of freedom they once believed in to unravel.

  • I think that you are not interested in peace in the first place but in Russia winning (correct me if I’m wrong). You have right for your own vision for reality (at least in some countries…).

    I'm explaining to you that there is no reality where Russia does not win this war. This is has been understood by anybody with a functioning brain even before this war started. Plenty of people in the west warned against NATO expansion into Ukraine precisely for this reason. Here is what Obama had to say on the subject all the way back in 2016:

    Obama declares Ukraine to be not a core American interest and that he is reluctant to intervene in the country, because Russia will always be able to maintain escalatory dominance there. “The fact is that Ukraine, which is a non-NATO country, is going to be vulnerable to military domination by Russia no matter what we do.”—President Obama


    People who still can't understand that the west can't defeat Russia in Ukraine are simply not engaging with the real world.

    I don’t to want to try to change your mind but at least take into consideration that this whole conflict is not as black and white situation as you trying to show. There is no such thing as the objective truth. And everybody lies at least at some degree.

    There absolutely is such a thing as objective material reality, but you are correct that everybody views reality through their own subjective lens. That doesn't mean that objective reality doesn't exist however, or that people can't come to a consensus on what is actually happening in the world.

    In case of the war of Ukraine, regardless of what people believe currently, they will eventually be forced to grapple with the fact that the west lost the war. And I sincerely hope that at that point at least some introspection will happen from people who've been cheer leading the war from the western side. I hope you will ask yourself what this was all for, and whether it would've been better to avoid the war.

    The genocide in Gaza is incidentally another example of an atrocity directly facilitated by the US. The only reason Israel is able to conduct mass murder is thanks to material support and political cover that US provides. This makes the US a direct participant in the genocide.

  • I don’t need anyone to die, it’s not my fault that Russia attacked Ukraine!

    You very clearly do since you reject peace that's on the table. In fact, you're the kind of person who wants other people to die for your ideals. The worst kind of individual. This war is happening because of the west. Period.

    It could've been avoided entirely, and it could've been stopped two months in, and it could be stopped right now. The west wants to fight this war to the last Ukrainian. There's even a whole study RAND put out explaining in great detail why US in particular wanted this war https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR3063.html

    But that’s not justify all aggression and horror Russia brings.

    This is just useless moralizing that accomplishes nothing and helps nobody. The reality of the situation is that Russia is going to win this war, and the only question is how many people will die or have their lives ruined in the process. What the west is doing is ensuring that this number is as high as possible.

    Moreover, Putin started conscription before he sent his treaty to not enlarge NATO.

    Moreover, you evidently aren't aware of the fact that Russia has had compulsory military service since it was part of USSR.

    I think he just wanted casus belli for aggression.

    The RAND study I linked above explains who wanted casus belli for aggression in black and white.

    Why Donbas war started in 2014?

    Because US backed nationalists overthrew the legitimate government in Ukraine and started doing ethnic cleansing. This is something that's pretty well documented.

    Putin planned to take control over Ukraine many years earlier and this war is his way to take control by force but it backfired.

    This is what's called historical revisionism.

    Sorry, I don’t know what you referring to? Could you elaborate about this offer? Are you referring current offer or some earlier one?

    I'm referring to the current offer that was just made days ago, as well as the Istanbul agreement that the west sabotaged.

    I get it, Russia is master in attritional war but even they cannot maintain war forever.

    Russia doesn't need to maintain the war forever. Ukraine is literally running out of trained soldiers already, and you can't create an army by kidnapping people off the street. At some point the inflection point will be reached where there's simply not enough professional core left in the army to hold things together, and the collapse will happen rapidly at that point the same way it happened to the Germans in WW2.

    Furthermore, Russian economy is now growing having become the 4th largest while western economies are going into recessions with domestic unrest becoming sharper by the day. Russia will very obviously outlast the west. Whether Trump or Biden wins the election will not change the direction of travel because the problem the west faces is the its lack of industrial capacity.

  • Lol, why being so aggressive? My skull is ok, thank you.

    Hundreds of thousands of lives have already been because of the support for the war from people like you, but that's just not enough you need more people to die before you accept the reality of the situation.

    Putin can stop this war at any moment if he want.

    Since that's obviously not going to happen, I don't know why you're regurgitating this talking point that you've memorized. Also, the head of NATO has now publicly admitted why the war started

    The background was that President Putin declared in the autumn of 2021, and actually sent a draft treaty that they wanted NATO to sign, to promise no more NATO enlargement. That was what he sent us. And was a pre-condition for not invade Ukraine. Of course we didn't sign that.

    The opposite happened. He wanted us to sign that promise, never to enlarge NATO. He wanted us to remove our military infrastructure in all Allies that have joined NATO since 1997, meaning half of NATO, all the Central and Eastern Europe, we should remove NATO from that part of our Alliance, introducing some kind of B, or second class membership. We rejected that.

    So he went to war to prevent NATO, more NATO, close to his borders. He has got the exact opposite.


    NYT has also just published the terms of the agreement that could've stopped the war 2 months after it started that the west tanked


    If Putin really wants peace on these terms it’s signs that he feels strongest now because if he would think otherwise, that he could take more lands, he would definitely take this opportunity.

    Wrong again, this was an offer that Russia will refer to when Ukraine is no longer in existence to point out that there was a way to save Ukraine that the west rejected. Don't take it from me though, here is what western military analysts have to say on who will have the upper hand going forward:


  • No, it's a very realistic vision of peace and the best one Ukraine can hope for. Putin doesn't need time to prepare, the offensive is already happening all across the front, and Ukraine is losing the war of attrition as even western media openly admits now. Western support for Ukraine has peaked during the disastrous offensive last year, and that was the best chance Ukraine was going to have to make any changes in this war. Anybody who still can't get this through their skulls really needs to start engaging with reality.