1 in 5 people catching covid have long covid, but fuck you if you don’t want to take that risk in exchange for some treats. Just get yourself and everyone you know infected again and again, it’s fine.
(Apologies comrades, but both archive failed to work, and nitter looks broken, possibly due to Elon banning third party apps?)
Each class has their own moralism, but the most cringe are the smug "I don't have a political ideology"
A dialectical (evolutionary) view shows that it cares very much about people helping it spread its genes, letting more virus in the air creates more variants.
So first the virus is a mere "copy machine", but now it's not able to be rationalized?
the Hippocratic doctor's oath has a line about "avoiding the two traps of therapeutic nihilism and overtreatment". Folks, don't be a nihilist 19th century British doctor who tells you there's nothing you can do about anything.