except all I could think about was the fact that my barber shaved a pencil moustache into my face the day before, I literally just sat through the interview looking like the fucked up offspring of Walt Disney and Jafar.

e: also wtf is up with that??? haircut looked great, more or less exactly what i wanted, then at the end he SNEAKS in a really fast like "hey want me to mumbles your beard?" (?????) and im like "i dont know what the fuck that means but sure" and figure hes gonna trim my sideburns but :no-copyright: "there you go bruh i went ahead and made you look like the clock from Beauty and the Beast"

NO ONE ASKED FOR THIS :who-did-this:

  • Ecoleo [he/him]
    2 years ago

    They've done me exactly the same way before. Is this some sick inside-joke of theirs?