the day I realized I had to transition, I woke up from a dream in which I had and was happy. waking up into my (then) normal life was devastating. so I went on reddit to distract myself and that day of all days was when news of the Trump EOs directing the federal government to hurt trans people while the administration was quoted, promising genocide, had hit the top of all the trans subs. I bawled for a bit and I was a mess for a few months but I transitioned and my dream came true.
ignore the news if you need to. if it's very important, you'll hear it even if you're trying to avoid it.
What a time to be questioning your gender 🙃
better late than never :cat-trans:
oh god this doesnt sound great in this context
Im in danger lol
the day I realized I had to transition, I woke up from a dream in which I had and was happy. waking up into my (then) normal life was devastating. so I went on reddit to distract myself and that day of all days was when news of the Trump EOs directing the federal government to hurt trans people while the administration was quoted, promising genocide, had hit the top of all the trans subs. I bawled for a bit and I was a mess for a few months but I transitioned and my dream came true.
ignore the news if you need to. if it's very important, you'll hear it even if you're trying to avoid it.