It's very obvious that is circling the drain now, but clearly this didn't just happen in a vacuum. It must've started crumbling at some point... but when?
Some people might say it started after 9/11, others might say it goes back to the Raegan administration. A few might even say it started after losing the Vietnam War, or when they went off the gold standard. Or maybe even earlier...
What do you think?
i was going to say the 70s stagflation nonsense leading towards the hollowing out and outsourcing of american manufacturing but idk I'm ignorant
Part of the reason stag-flation "wasn't supposed to happen" was because it was expected the government would step in and prevent it. Nixon froze grocery prices in response. Can you imagine a president doing that today? Since then, all the blank-check intervention has been on behalf of capitalists, of people who own things for their living.
yeah I know, with the minor exception of emergency covid shit (i.e. the trump bux and enhanced unemployment) the working class has had fucking nothing for decades