Local analysis by anarchists in Peru, published by anarchists in Olympia, WA.

  • Commander_Data [she/her]
    2 years ago

    To this, we can add the memories of the behavior of many people from Lima who rented rooms, apartments, or houses to people from the provinces, and who did not want to forgive them the rent (or lower the cost or postpone it) during the first phase of the pandemic, and began to evict them from their homes, causing an exodus of people from the Andes and the jungle back to their places of origin because of the quarantine. Likewise, some people were expelled from their homes “for fear of infection,” because the press (irresponsibly as usual) spread fear about COVID-19. On top of that, as they traveled in large groups on foot because transportation was prohibited for fear of contagion—and they were not even permitted to use their own transportation—police began to repress them at every checkpoint on the road. In addition, the inhabitants of some places, fearing exposure to the virus, also participated in this repression and in closing the roads through their territories

    Jesus Christ

    • Nagarjuna [he/him]
      2 years ago

      The same thing happened in a lot of developing countries, it was especially bad in India.