Whether due to bias towards a long time user, or by intent, the admins of this site are allowing it to slide into reaction.

Admins and mods continue to allow bullying and harassment of anyone that dares to stand up to the promotion of reactionary beliefs. A request as simple as asking people to make the distinction of being anti-war or pro Russia is met with name calling such as "westoid" and "warmonger" and accusiations of being an arm-chair leftist. The individual who was known as Zposter and SerbianMilf is on their fifth or six alt after previous accounts were banned. They continue to bully users who rightly accuse them of being a reactionary with absolute impunity.

Furthermore, the event that was promoted featured speakers that openly espoused transphobia and homophobic slurs. Its attendees included people who are avowed neo-nazis. That event was promoted and defended by alaskaball and other users of this site. It is now clear that the RATWM event was not an anti-war event but rather a pro-Russia reactionary rally. It is my firm belief that yesterday's event will be recognized as the de facto birth of a true fascist party in the United States. The attendees of RATWM do not oppose liberalism from the left, they oppose liberalism from the right. That is, by definition, fascism.

History has shown is that fascists will say anything in the attempt to rally support to their cause. In truth they have no values other than the accumulaton of power and dominance. A fascist USA is not only a danger to black and indigenous people and LGBTQ people in the US, but also the entire western hemisphere. A fascist USA will not stay within its own borders and would immediately engage in extractive practices against central and and South America.

The admins of this site need to take action against rising reactionary and fascist views being promoted by some users. I don't think alaskaball is a fascist, but I do think their passion against American imperialism has led them down a dangerous path. It is for that reason I feel it is inappropriate that they moderate communities on hexbear.

Fascism is rising in the United States, there is no clearer evidence of that then the events of yesterday. This is a critical time for left-wing movements in the United States and beyond. If we don't organize a response to what we saw at the RATWM event we will be overrun and many of our most vulnerable comrades will suffer unspeakable horrors.

TL:DR we witnessed the birth of true fascism I'm the US yesterday and it was promoted by this site.