Like even in the best of scenarios where the left isn't destroyed but can actually summon some form of revolutionary energy against capital, what is to prevent most capital investment from leaving the country as the winds begin to turn?

Is there good theory out there on how to prevent capital flight? Are there capital controls that don't simultaneously provoke capital flight?

  • Gosplan14_the_Third [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    No, not really. While deindustrialization since the 1980s has brought upon an impoverishment and rise of unemployment in industrial areas, but there are still many companies, workshops, even larger scale factories producing random stuff in light and heavy industry.

    It's definitely a priority to prevent further dismantlement of industrial capacity, but should that happen anyway, it's still possible to have the company survive through state or cooperative management.

    Argentina during the early 2000s and modern Venezuela both have had similar experiences in regards to that and can be learned from.