gamers should get TWO walls
Yeah, it's funny how these guys reach for the thesaurus to grab aposematism to describe people with dyed hair, but their views are so abhorrent and their demeanour so toxic it feels like its own form of aposematism
To me the image board lolicon nazis feel like their own breed from other internet fash, just nothing but nihilism and self-hatred
As I've seen it put: aposematism is there to ward off predators. If it repulses you, it's doing its job.
To me the image board lolicon nazis feel like their own breed from other internet fash, just nothing but nihilism and self-hatred
It's the Waffen SS Division Oskar Dirlewanger, but they're bottle-pissing neckbreads instead of convicted thugs, murderers and poachers.
lolicon nazis feel like their own breed from other internet fash, just nothing but nihilism and self-hatred.
Remember that 4chan basically had the idea that "we are the most horrible, evil, despicable people in existence." What is the evilest thing they could think of? Your standard "Red-blooded All-American" Republican. It goes to show how empty our enemies are, they do this all for laughs. I would like to assure you that they do not hate themselves, quite the opposite. They love themselves way too much, and practically see themselves as flawless Gods.
I'm surprised that 4chan locked onto Patrick Bateman and the Joker as their fictional idols instead of Frieza, The Goblins from Goblin Slayer, or The Persona 4 antagonist. Spoilers for persona 4: But listen to the killer speak, sounds like something you'd read on a /pol/ thread.. Ironically, 4chan's full embracing of evangelical Christianity is the surest sign that it is Satanism in disguise as a benevolent religion.
I would like to assure you that they do not hate themselves, quite the opposite. They love themselves way too much, and practically see themselves as flawless Gods.
No shot. 4chan drips with insecurity and deep-rooted self-hatred, they go there to call each other slurs and other abuse, it's a culture of digital self-harm. I think you're mistaking arrogance for confidence.
I think I'd pin it as specifically entitlement. I'm the ubermensch, but I suck? but the world should mold itself to me anyway
"I'm the worst type of person that's ever been tried, except for all the others"
4chan basically had the idea that “we are the most horrible, evil, despicable people in existence."
I’m surprised that 4chan locked onto Patrick Bateman and the Joker as their fictional idols instead of Frieza, The Goblins from Goblin Slayer, or The Persona 4 antagonist.
They love themselves way too much, and practically see themselves as flawless Gods.
Hey, don't look at me. This is the best I could do with trying to decipher what makes 4chan tick. Even after all these years, this is the best I got.
No you misunderstood. You already deciphered it before you even finished the comment. They don't actually see themselves as evil but flawless gods.
Gotcha. IDK why but I thought 4chan at least back then had some self-awareness that "we are horrible people and only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."
I think it's a pretty dangerous assumption that all of these men are not outwardly masculine. Some might not be but others might just repulse women with their personalities and open contempt
Well yeah. They're men who have no place in a demasculinized society. Used to be, society would find a purpose for these men and set them on their path. With a matchmaker if necessary. Now? They've got nothing. They've figured out that humans aren't meant to live this way, and are really distressed and freaked out about it. These men used to be silent, but now we can hear them. And boy, we sure don't like what they have to say. Remember back when liberals thought that giving everyone in the world a voice and letting them talk together was going to fix every problem and would be the best thing ever? 20 years ago none of these people would have talked to more than a thousand people in their lives.
I'm betting on AI. Before long it will be able to detect them from social clues and vocabulary patterns and we'll be able to silence them again. The end of internet anonymity would be a big step forward, too. China requires real-name registration to use any social network. Upset the users, and you get banned and can not return.
okay, i did what you asked and i listened to nick mullen be transphobic for about 10 minutes before i had to turn it off. maybe find better role models
But their energy would have been redirected towards work and a family, and nobody would ever hear from them. Sure they'd be getting shat on, weak men are treated brutally by other men. The point is that they would not be loose to harm the rest of society. They could have all the intrusive thoughts they wanted about teenage girls and we wouldn't have to hear it. Now they're screaming 24/7 and their voice echoes around the world.
The energy that would be redirected towards the family in destructive ways. Their imagined golden age, the 50s, were replete with guys with essentially their same attitudes who would come home from work as an accountant at the screen door factory, drink a bunch of liquor and then do horrifying shit to their wives and kids. A lot of the core of the incel complaint seems to be that conditions no longer let them live the same way. It's true we didn't hear from those guys back then, but we also didn't hear from their victims
I don't think this exact toxic belief system existed 20 years ago. It has been built piece by piece by successive generations of increasingly unhinged alienated weirdos.
If these people had ended up in a another internet community with a different culture they might still be alienated but not ...this.
It absolutely existed 20 years ago, and not much about it has actually changed since then ideologically or even stylistically, but it was mainly confined to UseNet, which the vast majority of internet users could safely ignore (or could not figure out how to access) and which mainstream media almost never covered.
It has been built piece by piece by successive generations of increasingly unhinged alienated weirdos.
Well yeah. Because they had way too much time on their hands. They wouldn't have in the past, even if the internet had existed.
lol you weird incel wreckers can't help but tell on yourselves every damn time. I am begging you to go outside.
To the reactionary, women can never be sexual subjects, only sexual objects.
The example is a very sex positive hedonist bot wouldn't get made in a not indie company and he dunks on another indie company that made a wildy successful game Kerbal Space Program 1 becauae KSP2 isn't up to the grace of KSP1 and blames the queers, even though the same queers also developed the highly successful KSP1 - but especially those who color their hair because somehow it's deviant?
All while doing mocking reaction gifs to women who get rewards with anime girls who have blue hair while sporting an anime woman as a profile pic.
(Cw Sexism)
Why does Atomic Heart or KSP have to be part of some culture war bullshit?
The company behind Atomic Heart had their share of not that great releases as well.
Not just the queer, but uhh... black people, the disabled, the overweight and... the balding?
creativity is when you have the writing of a highschooler that's really into deadpool in 2004 and the more fuckcrustable dickballs it is, the more creative.
every game should just be southpark with the gameplay of modern warfare (the first one)
With how many cis male transphobes seem to like loli porn you’d think they’d support trans healthcare for kids
As a bisexual, I think what is the most offensive thing is that my inclination towards other men is so horrifying, so offensive, that literal incest-loving child diddlers see me and shudder in horror.
Thats because those bastards project all of their evil on to you comrade. They know exactly what their really like deep down and everyone else has to be the same because otherwise they can't pretend they had no excuse to be a piece of shit. They see themselves and rightfully shudder in horror.
That’s an interesting notion. They project their hidden darkness, while maintaining a mask of acceptability. If one is willing to be more publicly “aberrant” (meaning the conservative view of LGBTQ people) then it follows for the fascist mind that what you’re hiding must be far worse.
And it has to be worse, because how else could they wear their skull mask and still be the good guy?
Most hinged gamer.
Imagine having takes so bad that your best one is that brown, black, and grey monotonous cover shooter "Gears of War" was the high point of gaming.
Dude has to be 30+ if he remembers Rareware.
2006-2010 the grey and brown era of AAA video games was considered the low point of the industry by many, this is a fake unhinged G*mer.
Incels/Nazis/Channers aren't known for their intelligence. It doesn't even matter if you point out that these are hypocritical positions. They literally don't care.
Do you like Conker's Bad Fur Day? I've been a big Rare fan ever since the release of their 1997 title, Banjo Kazooie. Before that, I didn't really understand any of their work. Too many pre-rendered pseudo-3D graphics. It was on Conker's Bad Fur Day where Chris Seavor's presence became more apparent. It's an epic meditation on the similarities between humankind and animalkind. At the same time, it deepens and enriches the meaning of the previous three games.
But seriously, where did you find this guy and why hasn't he been doxxed yet
hahaha off to siberia with you to the gamer gulag my youngling :gamer-gulag:
"I am alienated and even scared by the prospect of encountering a woman who wasn't designed in a studio for me to jerk off to"
"I don't know but for me it was the day when those woke bastards at Bethesda, decided it was a good idea to charge $5 for a horse armor. From then on it was woke company after woke company just hiring the wokes to do the woke."
"Oh the FIFAs, CODs, EA's"sense of pride and achievement"? All because of the wokes man I tell yea."
"$5 Horse armor -> The Sims woke DLCs -> Fortnight woke skins -> mah KSP 2 devs are all woke snowflakes thats why game bad".
There is a root cause for all the woke you know! :up-yours-woke-moralists:
Isn't this just the gamer equivalent of the Republican guy whose tweets got posted here a lot for a while?
Just post the most incendiary toxic nonsense you can think of for attention and mine more clout from insulting the people who call out the obvious bigotry in your posts.
I guess it's still an interesting catalogue of the brainworms inhabiting the channer weeb mind
Liking big boobs = good
Liking big butts = bad
Liking big boobs = good Liking big butts = bad
I like both :gigachad:
I assume liking big butts bad because these people think it's something black people invented. (Also homophobia probably)
Apparently Japanese people are the most based race because women in hentai have huge tits but flat asses
Unhinged right-wing weaboos are one of the worst kinds of internet users
Imagine being a straighty and not liking both, bi supremacy.
Apparently Japanese people are the most based race because women in hentai have huge tits but flat asses
They want a mom on one side and a child on the other