Nobody is willing to even entertain the idea that West isn't Best. Suggesting that whitey shouldn't rule the world is received as if you'd advocated cannibalism, and you will be condescended to and treated like an ignorant child even as they make it clear they know much less than you do about the subject at hand, if not outright ejected from the community. It's not just bots and manufacturing consent, either - it happens to me in real life just as easily as it happens online.

Anyone who isn't unconditionally anti-NATO and anti-American hegemony is a white supremacist. No exceptions.

Love this place, though. I think I'd go crazy if it wasn't for you guys. Glad I have somewhere to get this off my chest :soviet-heart:

  • CrimsonSage [any]
    2 years ago

    Yeah you gotta read the audience. If you fly in waving the 'd2a kill all cops' flag people are gonna fuckin ignore you. I my experience majority of non hogs are some degree of reachable, depending on their class position.

    • Zodiark
      8 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • CrimsonSage [any]
        2 years ago

        I am mostly talking about the context the op is discussing, more interpersonal work and friend group conversations. I realize with a rereading my use of the word audience is a bit confusing, I meant it more colloquially as any and individual or group you are talking to, not strictly a crowd. Political sloganeering is a different context that you can often be more open in. If you walk up to a coworker and go "hello fellow laborer have you considered seizing the means of production today? Death to amerikkka!" You are going to immediately hit a stone wall; or you have found a secret comrade. Like its not a respectability thing, it's just getting people to listen to you. Once you get your foot in the door with some more low level convos, I find most of the coworkers I talk to are pretty amenable to the more radical stuff in reasonable doses.