:power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride:


  • BeanBoy [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Through public-private partnerships, she helped raise over $4.2 billion to address the root cause of migration from Central America.

    The absolute state of Dem politics. Public-private partnerships. Weird backhanded xenophobia. Vague egalitarian gloss. This is thrown in without any context for what they think the “root cause” is. For dorks like me who click through to the article it’s a press release that just basically says that exact sentence over and over again lol.

    • MaoistLandlord [he/him]
      2 years ago

      The root cause is poverty, sanctions, and cartels. This shit’s been known for decades now