Joe Biden actually died from cancer back in 1998 and the Biden today is from the Clinton-Soros body double plant at Guantanamo Bay, the deep state is playing us patriots for fools.
The Biden today is a mass of cancer shaped to look like him moulded around a remote controlled robot skeleton.
Fuck Brandon but that happens all the fucking time, it’s basically impossible to die from basal cell carcinoma if you go to a doctor that looks slightly at your skin like twice per decade. The treatment 99% of the time is “cut it off and you’ll be fine*
Basal cell basically can't kill you unless you ignore it for a decade, and that's for people who don't have the secret government medicine. He'll be fine
In fairness, the entire population of Australia has basal cell carcinoma, and their brains are doing grea—
Oh no.
This is proof that The Communist Coven of Witches needs more members! We gave Trump Covid and we've given Biden Cancer. With your help maybe we could finally kill Kissinger.