• 4_AOC_DMT [any]
    2 years ago

    Okay so funny story. Early in the pandemic I was working at the same school where this account's owner is a professor but in a completely different department. One day in our local city subreddit, this RunningNumbers asshat starts arguing with me about how my economic ideology causes more harm than good and their primary thesis seemed to be "not every transaction in capitalism exploits someone", which is abstractly but obviously untrue.

    Shortly after, I replied something to the effect of, "shouldn't an esteemed professor of economics require of themselves a bit more nuance to account for their own ideological blind spots". After this public reply, I sent a them a PM linking to their CV and told them to go revisit the philosophical underpinnings of their field, at which point they blocked me. But yeah, their particular brand of willfully ignorant liberalism makes them a perfect candidate for their academic rank.