I've come across multiple people online who maintain that actually Dialectical and Historical Materialism and Scientific Socialism are not Marxism and were invented by Engels and later used by Stalin to justify the brutal totalitarian bla bla bla.
Obviously it's a specious claim, but does anyone know its source? Is there a specific tendency that claims this? Is there a book or a podcast that all these losers are consuming?
“Dialectical materialism” “historical materialism” “scientific socialism” and “marxism” are terms that have been defined and redefined so often that there’s no real way to know exactly what is meant unless the person using the word has explained how they intend it. If I had to define them, as I understand it, dialectical materialism is the application of the dialectic (i.e. very broadly and simplified a relational ontology, which marx derived from hegel, and epicurus) to reality as understood by “ascend[ing] from earth to heaven” (marx, german ideology articles, 1846) rather than the reverse. Historical materialism is (again rly simplified) the application of dialectical materialism to history (in a definition of history where history is understood to be the sum of literally everything). Scientific socialism is the refusal to build castles in the sky, how socialism should be built is decided based on the actual conditions rather than theoretical presumptions. Marxism can mean a lotta things, from the most restrictive “the literal thought of karl marx” to the very broad “the thought of anyone calling on marx’s abstractions and conceptual tools”. Marx used some of these terms, especially scientific socialism afaik but not in the sense of a concrete system through which everything is explained and abstractive categories fixed, usually as descriptive terms for what he was doing.
Engels had more of a tendency to use these sort of fixed terms, but not by much afaik. The standardization and formalization (and in a sense, invention) of first three terms came mostly with the post-Engels German left as I understand it (i.e. Kautsky and friends). Marxism-Leninism can be understood as Marxism as adapted to Russian material conditions and ‘standardized’ by Stalin. To an extent this entails ‘distortions’ because an actually existing socialist project is going to be much more riddled by contradictions than an abstract critique of the existing systems, but this should not be understood as “Stalin and Engels ruined Marxism,” rather imo they had differing interpretations of some things. I think their interpretations are wrong, but the vast majority of them are equally valid, or clearly understandable in the contexts they were in.
works consulted
Books (all of them have flaws to various extents etc etc read critically)
Anderson - Marx at the Margins; On Nationalism, Ethicity and Non-Western Societies
Bedford & Irving - The Tragedy of Progress; Marxism, Modernity and the Aboriginal Question
Carver - Marx & Engels; The Intellectual Relationship
Delphy - Close to Home; A Materialist Analysis of Women’s Oppression
Federici - Caliban and the Witch; Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation
Foster - Marx's Ecology; Materialism and Nature
Gabriel - Love and Capital; Karl and Jenny Marx and the Birth of a Revolution
Heinrich - Karl Marx and the Birth of Modern Society; The Life of Marx and the Development of His Work volume One
Kotkin - Stalin Volime One; Paradoxes of Power
Lewontin - Biology as Ideology; The Doctrine of DNA
Liedman - A World to Win; the Life and Works of Karl Marx
Marx - Capital Volume I
Marx - Capital Volume II
Marx - Capital Volume III
Marx & Engels - Letters on Capital
Churchill et al. - Marxism and Native Americans
Musto ed. - Marx and Le Capital; Evaluation, History, Reception
Musto ed. - Rethinking Alternatives with Marx; Economy, Ecology and Migration
Musto - The Last Years of Karl Marx; an Intellectual Biography
Ollman - Dance of the Dialectic; Steps in Marx's Method
Patnaik & Moyo - Primitive Accumulation and the Peasantry; the Agrarian Question in the Neoliberal Era
Roberts - Stalin's Library; A Dictator and His Books
Saito - Karl Marx's Ecosocialism; Capital, Nature, and the Unfinished Critique of Political Economy
Anderson - The 'Unknown' Marx's Capital, Volume 1; The French Edition of 1872-75, 100 Years Later
Hudis - The Third World Road to Socialism; New Perspectives on Marx's Writings From his Last Decade
Pinho - The Originality of Marx's French Edition of Capital; an Historical Analysis
Malm - Marx on Steam; From the Optimism of Progress to the Pessimism of Power
Meyer - Joseph Stalin and the Left; Reflections Occasioned by Stephen Kotkin's Paradoxs of Power
Deleixhe - Marx, The Irish Immigrant-Workers, and the English Labour Movement
Johnson - Farewell to The German Ideology
Williams & Chandler - 'Tussy's Great Delusion' - Eleanor Marx's Death Revisited
Anderson - Revisiting Marx on Race, Capitalism and Revolution
Mauro - Learning Dialectics to Grow Better Soils Knowledge, not Bigger Crops; A Materialist Dialectics and Relationality for Soil Science
Alvares - On Karl Marx's 'Ethnological Notebooks'
Beatty - The Two Irish Wives of Friedrich Engels; Recovering the Narrative of Mary and Lizzie Burns
Salas Perez - All Our Relations (of Production); Losing and Finding Marx in the Field of Indian Materialism
Anderson - Marx s late writings on non Western and precapitalist societies and gender
Wow this is an incredibly detailed comment. :gold-communist:
thanks, it was fun to write
@ComradeRat @SeventyTwoTrillion
Petition to archive these comments on the Bulletins Site.
Wow! I've added it to the site, though it won't be visible there for a while because of the issues Hexbear has been having recently.
Thank you. Much appreciated.
Yeah it was a fascinating read (commenting to save later)