I like spooky paranormal stuff (yeah yeah whatever deboonkers just let me have fun for a minute) and have been going down various CIA project STARGATE/gateway experience/Monroe institute/remote viewing rabbit holes. I’ve even been listening to a pirated copy of the gateway tapes, which do seem to “work” in the sense that I’ve entered into some very interesting states of consciousness. Including what some might call “out of body” experiences, or maybe “astral projection” (I’m agnostic as to the ontological status of these experiences, btw, they may be something akin to a lucid dream, idk, I kinda put them in the same “hmm, that’s pretty fucking weird” category as my encounters with DMT entities). Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knew anything about Soviet research into Psi/remote viewing/etc. Or UFOs, just Soviet high weirdness in general.
Also if anyone wants to do the tapes and start a revolutionary anti-capitalist remote viewing cell with me hit me up