Curious if anyone has bucket list items they actually plan on doing. I don't know if I do or if I just have fantasies of what I'd like to do someday.

I've always wanted a dramatic exit from somewhere. I want to blow up and quit a job, knock things off my desk, etc. I love the idea of being thrown out of an event after doing something wild, like ruining a wedding, but I don't think these count. I have no plans on actually doing them before I kick it.

  • slugbait666 [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    I have a few:

    • Writing a sci-fi novel. I don't really care if gets published or anyone even reads it, I just want to have the experience of writing one.
    • Check out the various temples and shrines throughout India, Nepal (esp. Katmandu) , and S.E. Asia (esp. Angkor Wat)
    • Do a 10-day Vipassana meditation retreat
    • Learn to play a musical instrument
    • Backpack through (at least a good chunk of) the Appalachian Trail
    • Get all my friends together and have a week-long psychedelic bender in the woods where we do ALL the drugs and hopefully see a UFO
    • Set fire to a cop car
    • Two chicks at the same time