Obviously doesn't lead to anything, but notable that the tides may be turning enough to actually meaningfully try to make a difference

For the first time in Gallup’s history of polling on Israel’s violent occupation of Palestine, Democrats now sympathize more with Palestine than they do with Israel, new polling finds.

In a poll released Thursday, Gallup found that Palestinians now hold an 11-point lead in Democrats’ sympathies over Israelis, with 49 percent of respondents sympathizing with Palestine and 38 percent with Israel. Thirteen percent responded neither, both or no opinion.

This is a large increase in support for Palestinians over last year, when the pollster found that Democrats favored Israel 40 percent to 39 percent. It is a significant shift in opinion over past decades, as favorability for Israeli violence has remained above a plurality of 40 percent since 2001 — the first year that Gallup surveyed this issue — until this year.

The shift in opinions has caused sympathy toward Palestine to reach its highest point among all respondents, at 31 percent. The shift is largely driven by people in young generations, the poll says, with millennials and Generation Z slightly favoring Palestine overall.

Many independents came around on the issue this year as well, the poll found. While a plurality of 49 percent of independents still said that they favor Israel, the gap closed to its smallest point ever, with a record high of 32 percent of independents saying that they sympathize with Palestinians. The only group in which opinions didn’t significantly change was Republicans, whose support for Israel remained high, at 78 percent, in the most recent survey.
