Trans people being loved and accepted is actually really bad for them. Because a fundamental part of trans liberation is universal healthcare.
Imagine if the vast majority of americans had high opinions of trans people, stories about trans people being unable to transition because of our healthcare system would spread like wildfire. The news would report on it because it would get clicks.
The dems have to say they care about trans folks because they have to pretend to be moral. Secretly they must love that this is a wedge issue where simply not calling for genocide gets them votes.
Their idiology is the status quo, stability without humanity. They will never change any system if they can avoid it.
I despise these ghoulish psycopaths.
No one will be free until all of us are free
Their world is dying and our compassion will outlast it. Their greed is no match for our solidarity, I love you my comrades.
:cat-trans: :cat-com:
We had to go around them for the gays to get their rights. It will be the same with Transgenders. It is wholly unnecessary. Dems could do it in a few months, even start with executive orders, and nullify all these hateful state laws, but they see 20+ years of milking and fundraising and fearmongering about Republicans at stake instead of doing anything. It won't be something they give up easy. They don't care because the PMC can simply afford to take care of or move to a place where trans lives matter.