It's usually done as a strategy to try to fit in, to be "one of the good ones," or sometimes just self loathing given a signal boost by chuds in the same community.

It's saddening how many people, especially trans people, call themselves d-word-popularized-by-nazis, for example. Or marginalized ethnic group members that use the very slurs that are used to justify putting people like them into camps.

It's fucked up, but I am often at a loss for how to reach those people, or if such a thing is even possible. :doomer:

EDIT: It seems this is important enough to :freeze-gamer: that alt accounts must be mustered to rage at me about it. :jokah-messy:

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I don't do it.

    I do kind of wish I could do something, but at present I don't.

    No matter how right you are, even if you are 100% correct and it’s very obvious, you’ll open yourself wide to be accused of being condescending/talking down/whitesplaining/savior complex/running a plantation.

    And some :freeze-gamer: are very defensive about the le funny slur word usage, especially when "the good ones" use it to amuse and please them.

    Look at this thread. OrganizeOrDie was so full of righteous nazbol rage that they made a new alt account just to wish me a violent death, 4chan greentext style. :frothingfash: