wages in the USA need a ~50 or 100% increase in most places. Yet the only increase that most workers have seen recently has been an increase to tipping. The amount of places that ask for tips has easily doubled in the last 2 years. There is tipping everywhere now and while I want workers to get more money, I am also a worker. 20% extra on a large amount of purchases I make is pretty rough. Should I tip workers who get paid more than I do? Should I tip while unemployed? Its confusing and awkward to make the decision to tip or not.
It'd be nice to just commit to something clear. What do y'all do?
that seems like a good idea. I guess I should mention then that I make about 19k a year but don't pay rent. Im also currently unemployed
i live somewhere without a tipping culture (uk) and make ~8k per year (converted to usd), do pay rent, also currently unemployed
It's mad to me that you are able to live on that! I am a cover teacher and make that much in about 10 full weeks before taxes. and but I have lower-than-average rent for my area and its more than $8k a year :(
i've been very poor most of my life lol
a more expanded answer is that i cook all my own food, buy only supermarket own brand stuff, live in social housing, and have very cheap tastes
the current massive inflation does mean i'm increasingly fucked with every month that passes
I make about that much right now and also don't pay rent. I tip delivery-people and waitstaff, $5 or 15% whichever is more.