smuglord xi-gun

If they wanna ban tiktok okay sure fine, let's ban all corporate social media platforms. At least tiktok isn't in bed with the NSA snowden

Also I gotta say, I know a disturbing number of people (ie. americans) who genuinely think the CPC is deeply invested in their personal data or what they do or believe. Like do these fuckers not realize the US govt can fuck up your shit infinitely more than the Chinese govt ever could?

  • Midnight_Pearl [any, comrade/them]
    9 months ago

    so, the obvious reasons amerikkka wants tiktok gone aside, we've got

    and i'm actually supposed to be worried about fucking tiktok of all things? i don't have to install tiktok; it's certainly a hell of a lot easier to avoid than the above, and that shit barely scratches the surface. americans fall into a xenophobic panic over being spied on by gasp foreigners, all the while a techno-dystopia is being openly built all around us.