Like apparently the French government tried to make protesting illegal but that just made the protestors angrier? Apparently police have started to side with the protestors? Does anyone have any up-to-date news on the extent of what's happening?

      • Tormato [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        The only 80’s to bring back. 20th century version was absolute worst: reactionary RW extremism, Wall St greed, worst fashion and music, ugly fanatical nationalism.

          • Apolonio
            1 year ago

            deleted by creator

          • Tormato [none/use name]
            2 years ago

            More of a Megadeth fan myself.

            I’m talking about what was the prevailing popular music then. Look at any random weekly Billboard singles chart and it’s total barf-o-rama. Which of course doesn’t at all reflect any of the cool underground scenes that were happening (which is true of all decades), such as thrash, hardcore, punk, etc.

            I once did a comparison of a random week of pop singles chart between the 70’s and 80’s. And it is the most glaringly night and day difference you can imagine. The variety and caliber of the songwriting in the 70’s was waaay way better, than the lowest common denominator, producer-driven schlock of the 80’s.

            Let’s buy even get into the lame-ass fashion of the Reagan/Gordon Gekko/Top Gun/Rambo decade.

            Ugh. Absolute worst shit, in just too many areas.

            • Gosplan14_the_Third [none/use name]
              2 years ago

              Europe was better musically, because it didn't denounce disco in a fit of homophobic and racist rage.

              Lots of communism in music from the cursed Island back then too. Of course, there was a decline in quality and a tendency towards overproduction by either 1987 or 1988 as well as the rise of popular shlock like the infamous Milli Vanilli. Average quality + quantity would only really recover around 1996 imo.

              Early New Wave (especially 1982 and thereabouts, before it turned too pop), post-punk, sophistipop, freestyle, goth rock... all quality music and actually listened to by wide audiences.

              Hell, even minor things like classical influenced music like parts of Depeche Mode's Music for the Masses (1987) or The Communards' (yes, they were communists) self titled album from '86.

              Then again, I'm biased and like even shlock like Italo disco.

          • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
            2 years ago

            80s Metallica was the best Metallica back when Hetfield could still scream. Plus we got Billy Idol. I love to throw "dancing with myself" on the playlist while cleaning.

    • BeamBrain [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Fitting, though, violently overthrowing the government is practically their national pastime

      • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Yeah the French have a reputation for it for a reason. Yeah they have a history of fuckups but I believe strongly that the French revolution was instrumental and influenced the revolution attempts of 1848. None of them directly succeeded but it led to a lot of democratic reforms and kings that realized if they didn't retire to figurehead status eventually their heads would roll.

        And the funniest part is the French originally didn't want to behead Louis The Failson. He tried to get foreign backing and get reinstalled as an absolute monarch and people realized having him around was a liability. So they brought out the ole choppy boi.

        • BeamBrain [he/him]
          2 years ago

          And the funniest part is the French originally didn’t want to behead Louis The Failson. He tried to get foreign backing and get reinstalled as an absolute monarch and people realized having him around was a liability. So they brought out the ole choppy boi.

          Exact same thing that happened to Tsar Nicky. Funny how they keep making the same mistake.

  • Tormato [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Amazing how pitifully pathetic Twitter’s become. There’s absolutely nothing worth looking at in the trending. Total celebrity sensationalist garbage. How the fuck does anyone find out about anything anymore, besides coming here? Need some good sources to follow , especially specifically on this hopeful uprising.

  • thisonethatone [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I've been watching random livestreams of the protest on Tiktok and there is a ton of on the ground organizing. Lots of orgs in troupes with big flags.

    There is also a bunch of hilarious shit going on too: conga lines, a guy dressed up as Waldo (or Wally if you are in europe), and people dancing around flaming garbage. It's very :bloomer:

    • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Going from swearing on a giant colonial Bible to hiding in a tiny box from angry mestizos is a really funny turn of events.

      • OutrageousHairdo [he/him]
        2 years ago

        There exists a hiding-in-a-box stealth continuum. On one side, you have Solid Snake who can use a box to walk past an entire squad of elite Spetsnaz operatives. On the other end is Jeanine Anez who sucks at hiding and could get found by a toddler playing Peekaboo.

      • UlyssesT
        3 months ago

        deleted by creator

    • OutrageousHairdo [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I don't have a Spotify account and refuse to use their broken ass website. Are there any other sources you know of?

      • Bruja [she/her, love/loves]
        2 years ago
        has links to various sources, plays on page, file download, episode info

  • ennemi [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Pushing special please-stop-rioting laws are absolute apex of being a trash neolib and I feel like when you get there your head should be detached from your shoulders in a completely randomly Final Destination style accident not related to me or my beliefs

    • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
      2 years ago

      Australia already did this during the Extinction Rebellion stuff and Aussies just shrugged and took it.

      You will not find a more apathetic people than anglofied Australians

      • ennemi [he/him]
        2 years ago

        I still feel a little pride when I think about this response to a law that required protesters to provide their plans to the police. Kinda lib I know but it sort-of worked out in the end.

      • UlyssesT
        3 months ago

        deleted by creator

  • Utter_Karate [he/him, comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Holy shit, they have a National Guard again since 2016. Maybe this time they won't switch sides? Weird thing to assume when you reinstate them, considering the entire history of the French National Guard, but I guess they're confident they will not side with the protestors in their police duties this time.

    • DoubleShot [he/him]
      2 years ago

      National Guard has a mixed history; they were critical in Paris Commune, for example.

  • UlyssesT
    3 months ago

    deleted by creator

  • Gosplan14_the_Third [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    To my knowledge:

    The Government tries to pass neoliberal pension reforms

    The reforms are unpopular and protested

    The parliament votes no, to the point where even the conservative party is reluctant

    The president attempts to push through the law anyway and does so.

    Large unrest, but momentum has already peaked, unless it's getting second wind.

  • DoubleShot [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Star Trek has the sanctuary districts and Irish reunification coming up, might as well have Neo-Trotskyite France!