Someone here posted this article a while back which inspired me to be more conscious of myself as a figure in the lives of people I know. I'm curious if anyone has any other resources about related topics.
Personal rant: For a very long time I was a fairly outgoing and highly social person but since I’ve entered the work world (remote the majority of the time) I’ve noticed myself just becoming wayyyyy worse at personal interactions (lack of things to say, getting distracted in conversation, just generally becoming more antisocial/intimidated by talking to people). As part of a communist plot to make myself a better person, I’m trying to redevelop myself socially.
I plan on getting more involved in socialist orgs this summer, so there is an organizing advantage to improving in this respect too.
Figured I would ask here because I fear I would just get “read how to win friends and influence people" (I actually did read this at one point in early high school lol) or weird PUA-type social manipulation tips from many other places.
Thanks, gang!
Wish I knew. I will give you a simulation of how I think about social situations and maybe you at least find it somewhat relatable so you know you’re not alone in your difficulties with conversation
Guy says something to me at work that I take the wrong way
Me to my friends: “I’m not sure how to respond to this”
Friends: gives me advice (I then repeatedly question myself because this advice seems so simple I feel like I’m a toddler being told how to play nice with others)
Wasn’t always like this btw. Feel like Covid fucked my brain up