Hyper masculinity icon JOHN CENA on the WWE's official channel has gone "WOKE" is a very well produced segment on diversity in America.
Let's see the :frothingfash: boycott their man on man treat.
Oh shit I noticed this was 6 years ago. Saw it shared around the other day. Oh well it still doesn't change and he mentioned :cat-trans: before all this REEE WOKE invaded the Republican Party. (Whie McMahon was :thicc-trump: 's #2 briber and Disney was #3 )
The evil wicked CCP wants to undermine america by making americans [checks notes] love and respect one another?
Only these ungodly communists could think of such a vile plot.
"Love yourself and love everyone around you!" :partiotism: <--- noted CCP Shill Matt Christman
Empathy is the profit killer!
They want to make us SOFT we must be TOUGH MEN so if I see a BOY DOG wearing PINK on PAW PATROL I will SHOOT UP AN ARBY'S :frothingfash: