Hyper masculinity icon JOHN CENA on the WWE's official channel has gone "WOKE" is a very well produced segment on diversity in America.

Let's see the :frothingfash: boycott their man on man treat.

Oh shit I noticed this was 6 years ago. Saw it shared around the other day. Oh well it still doesn't change and he mentioned :cat-trans: before all this REEE WOKE invaded the Republican Party. (Whie McMahon was :thicc-trump: 's #2 briber and Disney was #3 )

  • GayTuckerCarlson [none/use name]
    2 years ago


    It use to be that Big Strong Men like John Cena were Masculine-American icons. Wrestlers stood up the (((New World Order))) and taught men it was okay be shirtless with hard nipples. Not anymore. Now wrestling is gay. What is happening?

    In the days of forefathers, who did things like fight against communism world wide, wrestling was about story, face turn and heels, now these days all woke wrestlers want to do is wear heels like I did when I was a child trying on my sisters clothes. It made me feel happy. And thanks to real men like Gold dust I was able to repress those feeling, and now the woke Social Justice mob wants to cancel anyone who doesn't take the pink pill.

    After the break, we explore a socdem hook up website called Hexbear, and if you think your child that loves red flags and has mysterously softer skin would never go on such a site, think again. Stay tuned