Its like literally the bottom of the list of things to sort out if society began to transition to a new type of economy/society, but I spend way too much time thinking about it.
Would physical TCGs even exist at all? Would it be like Triple Triad shit where every community has its own fucked up version of the rules? Who makes new cards, and how do we agree what is and isn't legit? Do we like, go on the internet and elect the Secretary of Yugioh?
Fuck, man. A lot of my hobbies are hard to imagine outside of a capitalist system because I have no real idea how hobbies work outside of the one economic system I've ever existed in.
Comrade, let me introduce you to the People's card game .
Android Netrunner will be the tcg played post-revolution, and will double as an educational tool for teaching children about the dangers of unchecked late-stage capitalism.
Edit: Polygon article giving a rundown, plus showing off cards like "Wildcat Strike"
Oh sweet
Shut Up and Sit Down on Netrunner in 2023
Drilrunner is probably the greatest confluence of genius in our time.