also calls out the writers strike exploitative status quo, etc

"It's not working for the artist right now and I just want to speak to that. That's fucked up," he said. "The writers are striking because with streaming, they can't get paid."

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    1 year ago

    It's absolutely wild. Either everybody should get scale, or nobody should - this kind of two tiered system is the kind of thing they introduce to union contracts in order to make the members lose solidarity with one another.

    Wait a minute.

    • Changeling [it/its]
      1 year ago

      Remembering the :citations-needed: episode about how Hollywood’s portrayal of the corrupt union mob is a direct result of anti-union sentiment among producers. The extent these people went to not have anything to do with union labor was mind boggling. Iirc there was a producer who wouldn’t use union contractors for construction on his home because he thought it would give his actors the wrong idea.