Radlibs actually have a more outdated conception of science than Marx, a whale oil boomer who lived before electricity. :michael-laugh:
40 years old outdated
Japan: (Dialectical materialism so powerful it approaches divine tier magical sorcery, has spent decades on incredibly advanced manufacturing nanotech, as well as Masanobu Fukuoka's permaculture farm ecology praxis of embracing naturally occurring "bio-nanotechnology" like fungi and bacteria, rather than the DSA x Monsanto PMC spreadsheet holocaust technician biopraxis of sterilizing and killing soil with industrial pesticides for "maximum market efficiency" so IMF finance imperialists can "feed the global poor" from Ukraine's privatized post-2014 coup farmland, as the CTH fans at /r/neoliberal believe)
Caleb Maupin: (clueless New Right Trot neocon doesn't know) "Japan is a primitive society whose romantic ideology about ecology is against Historical Progress^tm. They lack industrial capacity for technological development, they have nothing to teach to American farmers (who these "populist" indoor kid leftoid content creator PMC will never, ever speak to, they don't know chickens eat bugs but they make lots of frightened soy tweets about it!)"We should not bother learning anything from those eco-fascist Malthusian degrowth hippies who believe in resource scarcity. Actually we have innovations such as fracking which proves there is no need for sustainable fuel or fertilizer development...noo you can't call me worthless, I'm the revolutionary vanguard of Patriotic Socialists^tm! Our industrial factory paradigm won't be replaced by the next generation of TikTok teens who have read modern agricultural/manufacturing science texts written decades after Fox News/RT News fossil industry funded propagandists like me were born"
bangers as always my friend ilu