Magnus Hirschfeld, born on this day in 1868, was a German physician, sexologist, and feminist whose books were burned by the Nazis. His work was among the earliest advocacy for homosexual and transgender rights in the modern period, according to historian Dustin Goltz.

Hirschfeld was born to a Jewish family in Kolberg, Poland on May 14th, 1868. After completing his studies, Hirschfeld lived in the United States for eight months.

While in Chicago, Hirschfeld, himself a homosexual, noted a strong similarity between the gay subculture between that city and Berlin, leading him to a theory of universality of homosexuality in the human condition.

Hirschfeld became interested in gay rights because many of his gay patients took their own lives. He was struck by the number of his gay patients who had "Suizidalnarben" (scars left by suicide attempts), and often found himself trying to give his patients a reason to live.

During the Harden-Eulenburg affair of 1906-09, a prominent sex scandal in Imperial Germany, Hirschfeld testified "homosexuality was part of the plan of nature and creation just like normal love", causing a national scandal.

Hirschfeld developed a system which categorized 64 possible types of sexual intermediary, including those he described under the term "transvestite", which he coined in 1910, and those he described under the term "transsexuals", a term he coined in 1923. Hirschfeld and the Institute for Sexual Sciences issued a number of transvestite passes to trans people in order to prevent them from being harassed by the police.

Hirschfeld co-wrote and acted in the 1919 film "Anders als die Andern" (English: "Different From the Others"), in which Conrad Veidt played one of the first homosexual characters ever written for cinema. The film had a specific gay rights law reform agenda; after Veidt's character is blackmailed by a male prostitute, he eventually comes out rather than continuing to make the blackmail payments. His career is destroyed and he is driven to suicide.

Less than four months after the Nazis took power in 1933, Hirschfeld's Institute was sacked. On the morning of May 6th, a group of university students who belonged to the National Socialist Student League stormed the institution, shouting "Burn Hirschfeld!" and began to beat up its staff and smash up the premises.

The state seized the Institution's library and held a book burning event four days later. Berlin police arrived at the institution and announced that it was closed forever. Hirschfeld, out of the country at the time, became a political exile and never returned to Germany.

In 1896, one of Hirschfeld's patients, a young army officer struggling with his homosexuality, killed himself. In his suicide note, the officer stated: "The thought that you [Hirschfeld] could contribute a future when the German fatherland will think of us in more just terms sweetens the hour of my death."

"This Soviet World" by Anna Louise Strong(1936) :soviet-heart:

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  • halfsolvedrubikscube [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    [Are you aware of any foreign alien tech that was successfully reverse engineered?]

    Yes, we used to laugh at Russian and Chinese designs. We stopped laughing at China when they produced an operational (but buggy) version of their mining equipment. Still stumps most of our engineers, China also lies out of its ass but from what we saw we deemed it operational and working. Countries listed above have flight-capable craft, just not very good ones.

    [What is the energy source? You mentioned Bob Lazar, so I think I know already...]

    Correctish the power source is E115 the thing no one talks about is usually, they seal it within the craft because it produces its own gravity field. Bob Lazar handled E115 wich was already pulled out which is rare and weird. Protocol now is that only one person is allowed to handle E115. I was forbidden from touching or interacting with it.

    We still have trouble producing this shit too.

    Element 115 is moscovium. It's one of those heavy ones that's only been observed in laboratory conditions, with a half-life of 2/3rds of a second. If we're being charitable to the story, maybe there's an isotope or containment method to keep it stable? lol, i so do want to beeleive

    [Do you think they're playing some role in stopping rogue entities and dangers from space hurting us on a large scale?]

    That was another theory yes. We think they are more interested in keeping the planet safe from us. Two main suggestions are that we don't spoil the planet before they arrive and take it from us or they are letting us evolve and grow while preventing devastation.

    [What materials are these UFOs made of?]

    That answer gets complicated quickly. Short answer is an alloy that we cannot reproduce but only repurpose. This alloy is kind of like a "film" that fits over the frame of the craft. I mentioned they were built to spec and that's exactly what I mean the shape is always efficiently designed.

    The actual frame itself is heavier and composed of more elements. Both of these alloys have a lot of elements we cannot reproduce. One of the main problems when repurposing these alloys is getting them hot enough. They absorb heat very well and shaping the metal is a tedious process.

    • halfsolvedrubikscube [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      [Can you quickly walk through the process of identifying the contents of a crashed UFO craft?]

      First team leaves that deals with occupants and initial discovery. We arrive and meet with an external member of the team who can touch and examine parts we are not allowed to interact with.

      We never have to cut our way into the UFO. We enter the first order of business is checking for E115 then leaving the ship together to send it away. We return and look for any tools and lose objects that can be extracted. We then start to strip any specialized components on board such as sensory equipment or navigation.

      We leave and a third and fourth team arrive likely to remove the bulk of the craft.

      [...] something in my first year. UFO crashes they remove the bodies well before my team arrives. We start to look and the craft is unpowered at first, a few minutes later the craft powers on and starts to close up. We radio out and get a response from the unit removing one of the occupants (alien) that they are working on it.

      Ship powers off and the other team asks if we are good to go. No mention of how access was possible, I suspect the pilot may have interfaced with the ship by remote or psionic ability.

      • halfsolvedrubikscube [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        [Tell me about the mobile construction facility making them]

        Shaped like an extremely large UFO but as one mentioned more of a "burger" design. Almost never leaves the Atlantic Ocean in fact it will sit through hurricanes and only moves elsewhere to release or receive a UFO. No visible weapons or "cockpit" from sat footage. It also does not use any lights, unlike the other UFOs.

        [...] Based on what we've seen the construction facility has far superior weapons than the UFOs do. This weapon destroys the matter it hits entirely. It also shits on anything electronic in in the vicinity.

        UFOs arrive and depart Earth but very infrequently. These UFOs are usually quite large. The US has been itching to get its hands on a "freighter" UFO when inbound or outbound but the chance has never presented itself.

        Leadership has openly stated securing one would result in promotion

        [...][real true disclosure any time soon?] The Air force is extremely frustrated with the lack of progress on their end. We felt similar but are unable to share details with them.

        [...] [does the factory produce any signature? heat, electromagnetic? how do you track it?]

        Both, we rely mostly on detecting the gravity it produces. It normally doesn't produce heat outright. When it does we believe it's in the process of construction since a small heat buildup can be detected when a craft returns or exits. We think this happens when it's being broken back down into parts or assembled.

        • halfsolvedrubikscube [none/use name]
          1 year ago

          the [...] denotes that i've jumped around to pull a quote from elsewhere in the thread. Trying to group things by topic where I can

          [most zookeepers like their jobs and care about the animals, they display high levels of empathy...]

          Some of the tools designed for abduction would make you rethink this. A lot of them cause pain or harm. A common tool we find is one that seems to scramble coherent thoughts and make the subject childlike. The best way I can describe its use is like forcing a stroke without actually having one, it makes you delirious but also childlike for a few hours.

          [Are these beings incapable of empathy?? Do they have emotions?]

          Never interacted with them only heard information passed along. They can be upset though with previously mentioned topics. They definitely have emotion.

          [Are they from off world and true ETs?]

          The US and leadership were adamant they were off-world.

          [why the cloak and dagger?]

          You're asking the same questions leadership struggled with. We were not entirely sure.

          [If the Air Force is confused like you say, why is it the only agency we know of that is not cooperating with congress in the AARO?]

          You might get a laugh out of this. The USAF is kept in the dark. We operated above them, a close coworker wondered if even the president knew. Namely, Trump because we bouth thought he would just tell everyone.

          Yeah, he would.

          [...] I think a lot of US top brass don't even know about it. I heard the phrase "Fuck Bill Clinton" thrown around regarding access to information. I'm pretty sure he asked if I'm not mistaken.