Radiohead is a band that I see praised often but, for no particular reason, I've never really sat down and listened to their work. My only exposure to them is hearing the song Creep on the radio and in movies/shows but it seems like people online treat Pablo Honey as their worst album. Their discography is so huge at this point that I figured I would just ask for a good starting point for the "true" Radiohead.

  • AcidSmiley [she/her]
    1 year ago

    If you like Creep, you should check out their second album The Bends. After that, OK Computer was the record that solidified they're not a one hit wonder and has some wonderful songs on it. But the typical sound that people online praise Radiohead for started with their next two albums, Kid A and Amnesiac, which are your go-to records if you want to relive my days when i tried to square my deep discomfort with male gender roles with the societal pressure to perform in them by becoming a horrible indie snob using bitchyness and snark as a release valve so i didn't explode from repressed dysphoria. Their following release Hail to the Thief is also cool, but after that i can't say much about them because somebody gave me ecstasy and i fell in love with actual techno.