Japan is a beta imperialist country like Australia

  • Plant [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    Maybe they'll have them soon..

    There was just a news story on the morning news about Japan expanding their military. It was titled "Countering China's Aggression" eyeroll

    Getting pretty frustrated with this anti chinese propaganda that seems to be filling the news rn

    • please_just_stop [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      Yeah I hate watching Australian TV. We uncritically follow Japan and the US.

      Not Paul Keating and John Hewson though. Those two were mortal enemies in the 90s. Now they both think the Labor Party sucks re: China. That means it's a Labor Party problem.

      Anthony Albanese is a massive loser and Penny Wong isn't much better. I stopped reading Penny Wong's biography when I got to the part where she "wouldn't describe herself as a Marxist." Opinion discarded. The absolute state of the Labor "Left."