• This. Hamas knows, better than many armchair “experts” online that the goal is not for Israelis to find humanity (impossible) but to be so frightened that they’d rather flee Israel to the US, Europe, Argentina, Australia, etc. Half the nation has a second foreign passport, after the Al-Aqsa Flood, a significant number of Israelis citizens boarded on planes, buses and boats going anywhere for a short holiday. Fear of Hamas from the South and a significantly stronger Hezbollah from the north might, for once, cause a reverse settlement process.

    You have to understand that for a number of decades the IDF has successfully portrayed itself as an unstoppable juggernaut, and therefore many “dual nationality” Jewish people are only there because they have been convinced it’s safe.

    • caveman@lemmy.ml
      1 month ago

      I have read that in other to get Israeli citizenship you have to cancel any previous citizenships. Source: https://www.gov.il/en/service/request_for_citizenship_of_a_person_who_holds_pemanent_residency

      Israel might play this even harder and say say remainder of people (50% as you say) also should loose it in order to stay in Israel.

        • caveman@lemmy.ml
          1 month ago

          Actually I once applied for a citizenship in another country. what the Country can do is to ask you to request your original country to delete your citizenship.

          And many countries will accept it