I keep thinking about this every time our liberal journos try to stir shit against AMLO. Today we are enjoying another iteration of their never ending stream of open letters signed by disgraced journalists and intellectuals, the twist in this one is that they gathered 650 signatories, the claims are just hilarious saying that they are being persecuted and censored, absurd AMLO limits himself to clapbacks in his daily morning talks and this is what they are trying to equate to a vague understanding of authoritarianism its just so dumb. The cherry on top is that these pampered whores never criticized the openly documented system of media control pioneered by the president who launched our bloody war against the drug cartels.

All of this to say that I half remember that this was the same sequence played before deposing Evo, maybe a Biden admin is more open to the idea? His foreign policy is very worrisome for me.