Sunak Vs Starmer: The Argument in the Parliament.

I didn't see any pinned or stickied posts so here's one for the shit posting political discussion.

    3 months ago

    Question two: Be honest about the NHS and what it's going to take to fix it.

    Both candidates: *removed externally hosted image*

    3 months ago

    Sunak actually getting a clap from the audience after saying he won't bow to Junior Doctor Union demands of a 35% pay increase.

    I'm actually surprised at that!

    3 months ago

    Starmer hits a clanger on Sunak.

    Starmer: Explain how the waiting figures are coming down, they were 7.2 million and now they're 7.5 million and he's supposed to be good at maths!

    Sunak: B..B...But they came down from a higher figure before?

    3 months ago

    I thought Starmer started off well but he's getting some push back from Rishi that he needs to tackle otherwise he's going to get swamped by Rishi's combative style. Round One pretty indecisive. 😕

    3 months ago

    Rishi says you can vote for anyone apart from the Conservatives and it will count for Labour. Awesome, everyone vote with your conscious then.

    3 months ago

    Something like the third time Starmer has told us his dad was a tool maker.

    🎶 My old man's a tool maker he wears a tool man's hat...

    3 months ago

    Ooo apparently we can follow and comment on the debate wherever we are by using the hashtag #ITVDebate. Assuming that also means Lemmy..... 😉

    3 months ago

    On the immigration question I think they both came out pretty well. Appealing to their core voters I must admit. But strong responses from the both of them. Hard to judge between them on this issue. Basically if you want to believe Rishi then Starmer isn't swaying you on this question, and if you want to believe Starmer then Rishi isn't persuading you.

    3 months ago

    Rishi coming off better in this question of retirement tax than Starmer. All he has to say is "under Liz Truss, under Liz Truss". Poor from Starmer on that one.

      3 months ago

      It's ridiculous, Sunak is the person who froze the tax boundaries in the first place. Why isn't Starmer pointing that out?