‘Especially during the pandemic, the Chinese government has continued privatization of public social services. It has exposed women and other marginalized groups to further precarious conditions and exploitation. Against this, feminist and LGBTQI activists have led local and overseas struggles against gender-based violence. Also, the people in China launched a massive struggle across the country. ”
In Taiwan at the time, not only democratic movements but also the feminist movements, labor movements, and social movements were growing nationwide, which allowed abolition of the traditional constraints of then-Taiwan society.
Also, this website either doesn't know or doesn't care what citations are supposed to be or be used for.
Also, also... Yong-hui Hong is a member of the Japanese section of the Fourth International: https://internationalviewpoint.org/spip.php?auteur2452
Also, this website either doesn't know or doesn't care what citations are supposed to be or be used for.
Also, also... Yong-hui Hong is a member of the Japanese section of the Fourth International: https://internationalviewpoint.org/spip.php?auteur2452
Lady's just another china watcher.