I'm almost convinced that people don't become ultraleft; they end up ultraleft. What type of confusion, abuse, bigotry, whatever- it doesn't matter- turns someone into an ultraleft?

I'm at my wits end, are they just neoliberals that haven't accepted that fact?

  • MovingThrowaway [none/use name]
    3 months ago

    The other replies in this thread are more specific to ultras, but more generally a lot of the problems with the western/online left stem from reading theory without reading history (and/or direct experience fighting against the mechanisms of capitalism). We might identify as materialists, but it's an idealist materialism, because it's purely identity, existing only in our heads or online.

    It's hard to overcome without access to effective orgs, though. Individual action is largely ineffectual and thus usually idealist. Systemic problems have to be engaged with collectively, so without organization the "correct" strategies are entirely hypothetical.

    But more and more people are realizing this, I think. Labor organizing is becoming popular again and political orgs are growing. The red-state smallish city I just moved from started a DSA chapter this year and now has 20-30 members (a bunch of whom are MLs). Bevins' recent book seems to be catching on among the western left.

    Things are still pretty bleak, but it's a "bad times breed opportunity" kind of bleak rather than a consuming hopelessness.