I don’t know the laws but I’ve been told mandatory OT is legal, there’s this event being held and I’m having to do it ( on my fucking day off) because nobody else signed up for it. There was this sheet that has been on the desk for a week now asking people to sign up for it but only few spots have been claimed. I checked my app to see my schedule and I see that I have to work that day, I go to work and I see that the piece of paper was signed with my name and this pissed me off. I feel like mandatory OT is a bunch of bullshit and my boss is trying to make it appear like I signed my name on that piece of paper when I did not, he doesn’t want to do his job correctly and is coercing me into working this shift because he can’t find anyone else so he’s getting me to do it. I asked him if I could do a double shift instead on Sunday but he just ignored me. He’s been a real prick today too fuck him

  • Multihedra [he/him]
    1 year ago

    With advice like “steal shit on the way out”, are you sure you’re not a lawyer?