Get out your bingo cards for this one. I stopped after these five gave me an immediate win:
"Ukraine is extra anti-nazi because they know what it's like to be occupied by them"
"But also they don't know these are nazi symbols"
"And pointing them out is Russian propaganda"
"And the idea that they're really just nazis like they say they are is nazi propaganda"
This article is much like what decentralized propaganda systems do. They don't write the propaganda themselves, but they write an article that provides a framework about how to write about the issue. Important points are emphasized for repetition: these marks are fringe, Ukraine is against them but is in a corner and can't refuse their help, it's a messy history and that's all that need be said about it so don't harp on it, anyone who broadcasts the nazi shit is a Russian shill, and Ukraine's government is the worst offender by posting nazi photos on their official social media (subtext: don't YOU do this either).