In a stand-up comedy performance released as a Christmas 2021 Netflix special titled His Dark Material, Carr said that a "positive" of the Holocaust was the genocide of thousands of "Gy***s" by Nazi Germany.


    • Awoo [she/her]
      2 years ago

      I believe this was intentional as some groups refer to themselves with this term and prefer it. Slur sometimes, other times preferred. Kinda messy but it is what it is.

      • kristina [she/her]
        2 years ago

        lowkey wish the tslur was here cause i refer to myself as a dumb tslur all the time, but obviously figuring out who gets the tslur pass would be a logistical nightmare. imo the worst thing to call a trans person is t**p, its actually the only thing ive been called by other people to my face, ive never been called a tslur except by trans friends

        edit: actually i have been called a sheslur and ladyslur before, those suck a lot too :kombucha-disgust:

      • President_Obama [they/them]
        2 years ago

        As in, refer to their group, not individual? Like some Native Americans do with Indian? That I get, then it's different from e.g. the nword and f-slur in that usage.

        • Awoo [she/her]
          2 years ago

          Certain groups of "travelers" (I'll use this term as some are roma, some are not) will use gypsy to refer to themselves, and ask others to do so. They use it for their group and individuals within the group.

          I think the appropriate way to use it is to treat it the same way we do pronouns - asking what they prefer and using what they prefer. I simply use neutral ones until told, this avoids any accidental misuse referring to the people who consider it a slur incorrectly.

          • GreatWhiteNope [she/her]
            2 years ago

            I could not figure out what the censored word was and was like wait is girlies a slur now?

            This makes more sense