So no one thinks I'm a troll, I completely support trans people doing whatever the fuck they want with their bodies. And I don't mind seeing trans stuff. But with that said, I feel like the hundreds and hundreds of posts I see about trans people is not helping. Going off like this site and a few others I browse you'd think trans people are like 40% of people instead of more like 2%.

I feel like constantly putting them in the spotlight, even to say you support them is just contributing to this "trans awareness burnout" I hear about in a lot of my non-leftist conversations. I mean i almost never see posts saying stuff like "I support indigenous Americans/homeless people/etc". And not because we don't, but because it's so obvious we don't feel the need to talk about it. Shouldn't trans people be the same way?

Anywho I'd love to hear thoughts, change my mind or kneel to my clearly superior intellect and dialectical understanding. :kubrick-stare:

  • CascadeOfLight [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Trans liberation, like other sites in the so-called 'culture war', is a concrete battlefield of the class war.

    Trans issues, women's issues, racialised people's issues, homeless people's issues are the issues of trans, female, racialised and homeless workers. Each line is a front that MUST be fought on, and the class war is not some higher, more abstract thing that can be fought independently but is the sum of the concrete battles face by each section of the working class. Now, I'm not accusing you of this, but failing to understand that is the basis of the "socially conservative" patsocs, vulgar materialists and other pseudo-left thought trap movements.

    The capitalists want to carve up the working class into a hierarchy that they can control through a tiered scale of patronage, with white, cis men at the top, and their success at doing so is the cornerstone of capitalism's current longevity. Only complete solidarity between EVERY section of the working class will lead to a successful revolution, and the section of the working class currently under the heaviest fire is our trans comrades. So, here in our secret bunker, they get the most support.