Same thing “woke” means to conservatives, except it’s used by liberals instead - absolutely anything they want it to mean in any given situation.

It’s deployed by people generally referring to any kind of marxists that have anti-imperialist politics, but I frequently see it used by liberals against even anarchists if they’re not pro-nato.

It is complete garbage, should be ignored, and the people using the word derided as cranks. Once you start to realise that their behaviour is exactly the same as the people that scream about the “woke” all the time you realise how ridiculous it is, they filter EVERYTHING through hating the “tankies” (which can mean anything in different situations remember) in exactly the same way.

  • trot [he/him]
    1 year ago

    credits to someone else on here that I forgot the username of:

    Tankies (plural noun) - a supporter of the American invasion and occupation of Iraq in which thousands of American tanks were used to destroy local resistance