I havent tried it yet. But with the way things are going, I may not have a choice but to put myself through that.

Even at 30 hrs a week, I feel like absolute ass, and my autism's symptoms get worse.

  • AHopeOnceMore [he/him]B
    1 year ago

    There isn't a one-size-fits all solution imo.

    Something that might help is to develop a routine and find ways to not think about / spend time on certain things. People do meal prep on Sunday for exactly that reason: no need to think about or prepare food for the rest of the work week. If you drink coffee, set it to automatically turn om in the morning. That kind of thing.

    In terms of the hours, well that always sucks. The only true "escape" is white collar stuff where despite being salaried and expected to do 40 or so you only actually work 15 and appear to be working for 25 while reading, browsing hexbear, etc. Sometimes the job itself and the people there can make a huge difference. Some of the jobs I've worked have been 80% just hanging out with friends while we did various kinds of manual labor. If your job isn't like that, this is more if a "keep switching jobs until the environment is better" kind of rec, which isn't immediately helpful but is still true.