This was originally going to be a post where I wanted to have us all share stories about family members and friends of ours that are unhinged reactionaries. As in, people who are a step further below your average liberal or conservative. I encourage you guys to still share your stories below, but I realized that this post seems more like an excuse to vent about my brother, and I will take this opportunity to do so.

I still live with my mom, (parents are separated) and so does my brother (we will call him Tony). I will be living with them until I am done with an online college and have obtained a driver's license. Tony's job doesn't pay enough for him to move out so he stays home.

In general, my family is pretty right-wing. I'm the only person I know in the family who is a commie. My parents are Trump supporters, but they seem mainly harmless and uneducated, they just think Biden is doing a really bad job but Trump might help them out. Tony goes steps further than that. The man is not uneducated, he is heavily miseducated. You know people like Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, Ron DeSantis, etc? He has similar beliefs as those people. He's further right than Trump. The man is much more politically confident than my parents (he has a different father), and has much worse views.

Here are some more facts about Tony:

  1. He is homophobic. Of course he is, he's a conservative. Except my parents, despite being Trump supporters, have pretty tame views on homosexuality. The guy no joke said that LGBTQ stands for "Let The Gays Burn The Quickest". He also said that gays spread AIDS everywhere. He hates Ellen DeGeneres not because she's only pretending to be nice but because she's a lesbian.

  2. He's anti-abortion. My parents, once again, are pro-choice in certain conditions.

  3. He denies climate change. When I informed him about the Amazon Rainforest burning years ago, he just sang "Let it burn." Then he unironically said that it wasn't that bad and that birds would just come around and plant the trees back or something like that. He pointed out that they fixed Chernobyl without mentioning the intense effort by the Soviet government to do so.

  4. Whenever I cry and he sees me, he just mocks me. He doesn't really take my mom seriously when she cries either.

  5. His father spanked him. He brags about it all the time saying "I deserved it" and says that it somehow isn't child abuse. Any time I've had any kind of inconvenience with my parents, he would bring up spanking. One time, he looked at my mom and said "I think he needs an ass beat." And after he did that, he had the fucking audacity to say that he was just "trying to help me." This was during a time where I was suffering from a severe depression where I made several suicide attempts. This was the event that finally made me lose every last amount of respect I had for him.

At this point, I do not see him as my brother. I can't wait for the day I leave this house so I don't get to see that fucking pest ever again. Before I leave, however, I want to tell him how much I despise him and how I do not wish to see him again.

Thank you guys for listening to my story. I would love to hear your own stories as well.

    4 months ago

    I am reluctant to call my stepfather an unhinged reactionary, as he abstains from voting and seems to be unimpressed with Trump. Still, he is a propertarian: one time I jokingly told him that ‘it is an established fact that redistributing wealth from the rich to the poor increases poverty’, and he obliviously gave it a thumbs up. I was dumbfounded. Additionally, I once overheard him mocking how East Asians speak, and he referred to a mosque as a ‘goatfucker temple’ (or something like that).

    That said, he doesn’t abuse me like my actual father did. He’ll get into an argument with my mom approximately once a year, but he has almost never intimidated me. He sounded intimidating one day when he asked me ‘Where’s our food?’ (I left it upstairs; he hadn’t noticed), but I don’t remember him yelling at me, at least not in anger. My actual father, on the other hand, was more like your brother, only less right‐wing. He died a few years ago, and my mom and I declined to attend his funeral.