Juneteenth (officially Juneteenth National Independence Day) is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the emancipation of enslaved African Americans. Deriving its name from combining June and nineteenth, it is celebrated on the anniversary of the order by Major General Gordon Granger proclaiming freedom for slaves in Texas on June 19, 1865 (two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued). Originating in Galveston, Juneteenth has since been observed annually in various parts of the United States, often broadly celebrating African-American culture.

Early celebrations date back to 1866, at first involving church-centered community gatherings in Texas. They spread across the South and became more commercialized in the 1920s and 1930s, often centering on a food festival. Participants in the Great Migration brought these celebrations to the rest of the country. During the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, these celebrations were eclipsed by the nonviolent determination to achieve civil rights, but grew in popularity again in the 1970s with a focus on African American freedom and African-American arts. Beginning with Texas by proclamation in 1938, and by legislation in 1979, every U.S. state and the District of Columbia has formally recognized the holiday in some way. Juneteenth is also celebrated by the Mascogos, descendants of Black Seminoles who escaped from slavery in 1852 and settled in Coahuila, Mexico.

Early history

During the American Civil War (1861–1865), emancipation came at different times in different parts of the Southern United States. Large celebrations of emancipation, often called Jubilees (recalling the biblical Jubilee, in which slaves were freed), took place on September 22, January 1, July 4, August 1, April 6, and November 1, among other dates. When emancipation finally came to Texas, on June 19, 1865, as the southern rebellion collapsed, celebration was widespread. While that date did not actually mark the unequivocal end of slavery, even in Texas, and emancipation has been celebrated on other dates, June 19 came to be a day of shared commemoration across the United States – created, preserved, and spread by ordinary African Americans – of slavery's wartime demise.

On the morning of June 19, 1865, Union Major General Gordon Granger arrived on the island of Galveston to take command of the more than 2,000 federal troops recently landed in the department of Texas to enforce the emancipation of its slaves and oversee Reconstruction, nullifying all laws passed within Texas during the war by Confederate lawmakers. The order informed all Texans that, in accordance with a Proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves were free.

Former slaves in Galveston rejoiced after General Order No. 3. One year later, on June 19, 1866, freedmen in Texas organized the first of what became annual commemorations of "Jubilee Day". Early celebrations were used as political rallies to give voting instructions to newly freed African Americans

Decline of celebrations during the Jim Crow era

In the early 20th century, economic and political forces led to a decline in Juneteenth celebrations. From 1890 to 1908, Texas and all former Confederate states passed new constitutions or amendments that effectively disenfranchised Black people, excluding them from the political process. White-dominated state legislatures passed Jim Crow laws imposing second-class status.

The Great Depression forced many Black people off farms and into the cities to find work, where they had difficulty taking the day off to celebrate. From 1936 to 1951, the Texas State Fair served as a destination for celebrating the holiday, contributing to its revival. In 1936, an estimated 150,000 to 200,000 people joined the holiday's celebration in Dallas.


Juneteenth soon saw a revival as Black people began tying their struggle to that of ending slavery. In Atlanta, some campaigners for equality wore Juneteenth buttons. During the 1968 Poor People's Campaign to Washington, DC, called by Rev. Ralph Abernathy, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference made June 19 the "Solidarity Day of the Poor People’s Campaign".

In the late 1970s, when the Texas Legislature declared Juneteenth a "holiday of significance ... particularly to the blacks of Texas," it became the first state to establish Juneteenth as a state holiday.

Since the 1980s and 1990s, the holiday has been more widely celebrated among African-American communities and has seen increasing mainstream attention in the US. In 1997, activist Ben Haith created the Juneteenth flag, which was further refined by illustrator Lisa Jeanne Graf. The holiday gained mainstream awareness outside African-American communities through depictions in entertainment media.

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  • Teekeeus [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    Still dunno why I didn't like legends arceus when so many others did

    Maybe it's because I didn't grow up with pokemon or get into the series as a child. But it's unironically one of the worst video game experiences I've ever had.

    • SavvySillybug [any]
      1 year ago

      Was there anything in particular you disliked, or just the whole thing?

      I've been pretty bored of Pokémon games, been using the same four attack combat system for 25 years now, sure we get a couple new critters and some behind the scenes modifiers like abilities and held items, but overall it's just been the same exact combat since at the very least Ruby and Sapphire.

      I loved Legends Arceus because it felt like a Pokémon game, but it had enough core gameplay changes that it felt fresh and new and exciting. Sneaking around in the wild and catching Pokémon without even fighting them, the whole game only having a dozen or so trainers so you generally don't do combat unless you choose to do so, the agile/strong moves mixing things up, crafting your own stuff. It all felt very Pokémon while at the same time not being more of the same old shit I've played 200 times before. Filling the Pokédex not by catching a critter and stuffing it in a box, but by observing them, learning about them, actually engaging with them. Loved it.

      Meanwhile Pokémon Violet I barely even played at all, ended up watching Smallant play through it on Youtube so I'd know the story I missed without having to play through all of it.

      • Teekeeus [comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        The core gameplay loop that you described was actually very boring to me. It sounded interesting on paper, but when I actually played it it felt really tedious for some reason. Maybe it's because it's directly tied to star rank progression and not optional? Also, for me wild battles aren't as interesting as trainer battles or raids (dynamax or tera). Repetitively doing dex tasks honestly got boring after a while and another reason is that I feel the rewards aren't really that good. Compulsory repeated tasks + not good rewards is a bad combo; I would've enjoyed the game more if one of the above factors were changed. And I spent so much money on the stupid inventory slots too 😭😭😭

        Speaking of which, I think the game definitely needs more QoL. I thought scarlet's auto-battling system and minimap would absolutely make legends arceus way more fun - too bad they're not in the game. The satchel absolutely is too limited and the price for new slots is too high in general. I get that GF wanted to show that the olden days suck but they went too far and made the gameplay suck imo.

        I personally don't understand how the combat system operates with multiple moves on a certain side at once. I think this game really penalizes slower mons too much, especially since mons in general feel really fragile in this game for some reason. I did end up using strong/agile for a few battles and that was kinda fun, but for the majority of battles (in the wild) I used normal attacks for PP conservation (resources are limited, and I would rather not go back to the camp if I don't need to)

        The game's environment personally isn't for me - am talking about aesthetic rather than graphics, if that makes sense. Sinnoh/Hisui is a northern region so the colors honestly feel quite dull/muted to me; I admit have a bias for warmer and more vibrant Hoenn, Alola and Paldea (yeah i know the mountain is snowy). Sinnoh and Hisui also have my least favorite regional dexes - again, it's personal preference, but I prefer literally every other region's dex.

        There definitely needs to be more music in the game. So much of this game is spent in silence, which is a real shame because the music is really good, as is pokemon tradition. E.g. I savor one morsel of the eterna forest theme annnnnnd it's gone for some reason. They also made a great trainer battle music in a game with few trainer battles.

        I also thought that wild pokemon directly attacking me would be amazing, but in practice it's just irritating. With the arc phone fast travel, ride mons, relatively high health and regen of the player and being able to send out my own mons even as a temporary distraction in battle, I never felt like I was in any real danger of having my character black out - the only time I actually did was me intentionally putting my character in danger. So without the danger, wild pokemon noticing/attacking me just became pests. Any sense of danger is also reduced by the fact that there are NPCs here and there in the open wilderness and they seem to be perfectly safe/fine. Maybe I'm used to elder scrolls NPCs getting attacked while in the wild lol.

        And last but not least there definitely is an uncomfortable amount of colonial apologia. I'd much rather be a part of diamond/pearl clans or even the gingko guild than the galaxy team. Despite Kamado being Kamado, the galaxy team was generally portrayed sympathetically and there were uncomfortable moments like the galaxy team teaching the diamond/pearl clans about balms (used for their very own ancient traditions!) or melli's hostility towards the galaxy team being treated unsympathetically. I wouldn't have liked this game even without the colonial apologia, but it certainly didn't help things.

        I don't know if that's the extent of it, but I also know what I like and what I dislike and I just dislike the general "feel" of the game. It didn't put a smile on my face (or made me cry in a good way in SV's case), unlike pokemon games that I like. There are games that the online fandom like that I like (HGSS, B2W2, ORAS, Emerald), games they dislike that I like (FRLG*, SM, LGPE, SV*; *feels like online fandom is generally 'meh' on these games), games they dislike that I dislike (XY, SWSH) and games they like that I dislike (Legends Arceus, the 1st Black/White, Platinum) - maybe I'm just a weirdo whose opinion is independent of the online sentiment.