Everything is freezing and crashing (dozens of times today). The remote shit the bed almost immediately and we’ve been using a virtual remote over WiFi that sometimes has upwards of a 5 second delay. This thing requires an account to use even basic functionality and it has a whole thing in its privacy policy about using the built in microphone to just ambiently record.

Do I need to buy older used TVs to avoid getting a giant and shittier smart phone? I feel like such a boomer and I remember my dad complaining about TVs with the VCR built in being pointless because the VCR would break and then the whole TV would be on the fritz even though the screen was fine and now I totally understand my fathers’ rage and I want to throw the remote through the fucking screen but the remote shit the bed so we had to get rid of it anyway ahhhhhhbbbbbbhhhhh

  • blobjim [he/him]
    2 years ago

    They're labeled "for business". Some don't have physical controls so you have to use a remote, but yeah.