Has an eclectic set of opinions from capitalism is killing the middle class to being anti vax to being an environmental lawyer. He’s cozy with a lot of reactionary figures and the mainstream liberal media hates him. Is he getting amplified by right wingers to destabilize the Democratic primary?

  • Trustmeitsnotabailou [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    I don't really understand why the left is now pro pharma. And by pharma i mean the industry. Not the science. Which is all funded by the govt and tax money in the form of research grants.

    I would hope people start to become a bit more skeptical. There is undeniable proof that they started the opioid epidemic just to turn a profit and thought it was hilarious.

    Like i got the phizer vax.

    And once it came out that they where walking back on it will stop the spread and you can't catch it, and you need non stop boosters it became clear to me that it was a giant money grab promoted through fear.

    Rfk jr makes some good points on jre. He also has some pretty questionable ones.

    The pharma industry is not really here to save any of us. It's hear to knock as much money out of each person that enters the system. Whole thing needs to be torn down.

    • Assian_Candor [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      It is totally understandable why you dont trust a government that feeds you a steady stream of lies or an industry whose entire business model rests on exploitation and immiseration. Having said that there’s peer reviewed science on the benefits of the boosters for preventing severe illness, so dismissing them as a cash grab is inaccurate, imo, and might do harm by dissuading someone from getting a booster who needs it.

      The best indication will be whether or not insurance plans cover the shot 100%, if they do you can be sure that shit saves lives bc they wouldn’t pay a nickel that isn’t in their interest.

      • Trustmeitsnotabailou [none/use name]
        2 years ago


        You should read this. The booster may start to cost money. The original vaccine will not becuase it's mandated by the aca that vaccine be covered by insurance

        If you don't have insurance you will probably have to pay unless you get grandfather in.

        COVID and the aftermath of it has been really nothing but lies to try and maintain the status quo that COVID disrupted.

    • PKMKII [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      They sold us on the COVID vax being sterilizing and instead we got something more akin to the flu shot.

      It speaks to a larger problem that’s emerged in the post-2016 era where the narrative of countering fake news/misinformation has been used to back door in a rehabilitation of the various institutions everyone lost confidence in: if you don’t trust WaPo and the NYT then you’re falling for fake news, if you question the pharma industry then you don’t believe the science, if you question the intelligence agencies then you’re falling for Russian propaganda. Unfortunately, too many on the left are swayed by this.

      Of course, it doesn’t help that the waters get muddied by RFK Jr types where they tie in absolute kooky stuff with the reasonable critiques which makes it easy to throw the baby out with the bath water. Which is why I believe in two conspiracy theories: one, Epstein didn’t kill himself. Two, the conspiracy theory conspiracy theory, that the various institutions of power are responsible for disseminating crackpot conspiracy theories as to encourage people to see all critiques of the institutions of power as crackpot; if you’ve got Qanon nutters screaming about pizzagate, then people will be less likely to take the accusations against the real Epsteins seriously.

        • PKMKII [none/use name]
          2 years ago

          My feeling is that TPTB are hiding something about what happened with the Kennedy assassination, but it’s covering up something embarrassing, not a conspiracy. Like, the deep state didn’t off him, rather they missed something or did some sort of massive oopsie that would’ve sunk the careers of dozens of spies if it got out. Some sort of Burn After Reading level farce but with much greater consequences.

    • Retrosound [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      Oh, that one's easy. Trump came out against them. It's just that simple.

      "What our enemies oppose, we will support. And whatever our enemies support, we will oppose."

      -- Mao Tse-Tung

    • Marina0swald [she/her]
      2 years ago

      Homeopathic scams are lying in wait for these people, and that's who RFK Jr. is for